Because Shades of Grey are Just Excuses


We Stand out so Stand Up

Context- This is an assignment for my Business class at Liberty University. The following is a response to the prompt of Philippians 1:20-27 and the question “What are your thoughts and responses to this reading as it relates to this course (international business)”

Conduct is an ultra important part of any business environment. Christian or non-Christian conduct greatly affects you and the people you work with. “Only conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ…” Philippians 1:27 It is imperative for us as Christians that we always conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity. We set the example in our workplaces of who Christ is. The example we set of our Lord could be the only real example that our co-workers and business partners ever see. We must always be who we say we are, and we are a direct representation of Christ however poorly or righteously we act.

Personally, I’m a complainer; I like to think of myself as opinionated but truth be told I gripe and moan and object constantly. Philippians 2:14-15 are verses I have memorized for this very reason. “Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children on God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Presenting myself as blameless and innocent to my co-workers and customers is a daunting task, but it’s a task I must seek to accomplish and to accomplish it well. Our generation is indeed full of men and women who are crooked and twisted. As Christians we stand out, because we don’t grumble or question, and we act with utmost honesty and integrity. Because we stand out it is increasingly important that we stand up. We are a direct representation of Jesus Christ to the people he has placed in our lives; we must never forget this fact.

Your faith as it relates to work

I think it’s important to note that being a representative is far more than being a light; it’s far more than simply setting a good example and being a good Christian. Christ delivered the great commission only after stating “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matthew 28:18) Then from the only perfectly sovereign man this world has ever known we get the great commission. Christ does not tell us to simply go and shine and be on our best behavior. Christ says “… make disciples… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” I’m not insinuating that we should attempt to force our beliefs on others rather that the great commission is not achieved passively. We are intended to share and spread the Gospel message of Christ crucified; a verbal message that in most politically correct circles is not welcomed or even tolerated.

In a business setting we more than likely won’t be able to pass out tracks or walk a co-worker through the Roman road, but we can share the impact Christ has made in our lives, the lives of our children, our wives and husbands. I stand firm in the belief that your personal testimony is you’re most powerful and effective resource for sharing the Gospel.

In my experience the lack of a personal and deep relationship with Christ hinders more Christians from fulfilling the great commission more than fear of persecution, politically correct guidelines or office politics. Scripture tells us to “lay aside every weight, and sin” (Hebrews 12:1) we must move past our personal downfalls and individual burdens and “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” so that we can become like Christ (Philippians 2:12). Hebrews tells us that Christ suffered the cross “for the joy that was set before him” (Hebrews 12:2) If we move our focus from the persecution, slander and in-tolerance that stands before us, to the overwhelming joy that comes with a deep and personal relationship with Christ; it will be the overflow of our very soul to willingly and joyfully fulfill the great commandment. In speaking of sharing the Gospel of Christ crucified Paul states “…for necessity it is laid upon me” (1 Corinthians 9:16) Obedience to the great commission in our lives, offices, and schools is the direct result your personal relationship to you savior.

Do more than be seen, share your Joy.

My Struggle

1 Corinthians 15:19 is a verse that is constantly in my mind. “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” See, the way Paul lived his life is what we would call crazy, perhaps rightly so, Paul pulled no punches he lived all out for Christ. Reading through the New Testament you’ll come across many stories of Paul being beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, and imprisoned. This guy never seemed to catch a break, but what’s really amazing to me is that he never wanted one. Philippians 3:8 “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” He never stopped seeking after God, it didn’t matter that he was in prison or shipwrecked he continually sought after God. Paul’s focus was completely and wholly on Christ. Paul never was never slave to material possession because he relentlessly focused on “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus”. This is a man who lost everything he had time and time again for the sake of the Gospel. Paul had staked his entire life on the hope of Christ. Paul was “all in” he held back nothing; he saw everything as rubbish next to what he stood to gain. What Paul is saying in 1Cor 15:19 is simply this- that if he’s wrong about Christ, he has lived a pathetic existence full of anguish, suffering and affliction for absolutely nothing; that of all the foolish, inept, hopeless people in the world he should receive more pity.

But most Christians today enjoy their safety and comfort, we cling to it. Hypothetically– If our hope in Christ was wrong, and today we were to die with what we had sacrificed the sake of Christ I don’t think many of us would be pitied at all. In FACT I think many of us would be envied for what we had, and what we held onto, for what we refused to give up for the sake of the Gospel.

In the following verse 1Cor 15:20 Paul states “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead…” We know Paul’s really set up in Heaven (to put it bluntly); I can’t imagine the abounding joy he now experiences in his Savior, OUR Savior. He has a joy and a treasure that is free to all Christian who seek Christ. So what keeps us, what keeps our church from realizing “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus”? Why is it such a difficult concept for believers to put into perspective?

This is my struggle.